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Solidis AG - EN
Martin-Disteli-Strasse 9
4600 Olten, CH
Tel. +41 62 207 30 40
AdobeStock 380598909 ¦ Team Building

Tamara Schwarzenbach

Tamara Hobby 1

certified business services expert

I completed my extended basic training at login Berufsbildung AG in Olten to become an administrative office employee. After my apprenticeship, I switched to the auditing department at BDO AG in Solothurn where I worked for 7 years and went on language stays in Australia and America. During this time, I successfully completed part-time training in 2014 to become certified in business services with a federal diploma of higher education. I joined Solidis in December 2016 as a team leader and took continuing education courses to become a certified business services expert with a federal diploma of higher education, which I successfully completed in the summer of 2018.

I like to spend my leisure time participating in sports – from mountain biking to skiing in the winter. It is very important to me that I spend time in nature to balance out my work in the office. I also enjoy spending time with my friends and family.